Senior Manager, Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights and Gender Based Violence

  • Freelance
  • Nairobi

Population Services International (PSI)


  • Provide technical leadership and oversight to ensure programmatic and financial integrity of the program and to achieve rapid and sustained goals, objectives and targets within the prescribed timeframes.
  • Serve as the program’s primary point of contact with the donor, other consortium members, MOH, and other stakeholders; ensure alignment and harmonization with other programming where appropriate, including national and global strategies.
  • Prepare quality and timely program reports as per donor requirements
  • Management of work plans and budgets through; tracking and monitoring work plan and budget implementation and expenditures.
  • Support public sector engagements for SRHR/GBV services at both the National and County level
  • Harmonize the program with public sector service delivery models for sustainability and promote cross learning and efficiencies in the consortium
  • Coordination with County RH coordinators, SRHR champions and GBV team
  • Provides timely and adequate technical support on SRHR/GBV, including guidance on continuous quality, improvement, use of priority SRHR/GBV interventions, supporting and motivating frontline health workers (clinicians, nurses), and building capacity (including on-the-job training) on selected SRHR/GBV topics.
  • Maintains a constructive dialogue and technical exchange with technical (SRHR, GBV, MNCH, HIV, TB,
  • Nutrition) and counterparts / implementing partners to effectively support integration health services in the facilities to offer quality SRH services.
  • Advocate for provision of sexual reproductive health and GBV services to the youth and adolescent
  • Work closely with the M & E advisor; o tracks monthly uptake of SRHR / GBV services and availability of FP commodities through development of dashboards for both the counties and performance of the implementing partners reviews, analyzes, and evaluates the effectiveness of SRHR/GBV activities and provides recommendations for improvements.
  • Advocate for use of DHI2 in reporting for SRH/GBV services and commodities
  • Work closely with the county coordinators in tracking FP commodity reporting and availability to ensure that stock outs are minimized and eliminated where possible
  • Manage SRHR/GBV capacity building activities that include training needs assessment, execution of training, mentorship and support supervision in collaboration with implementing partners, county departments of health and MoH Family Health division.
  • Liaise with the MoH Family Health division on FP commodity stock out
  • Facilitate availability of SRH/GBV policy and guidelines and sensitization on utilization in collaboration with the County RH coordinators
  • Lead in documentation and dissemination of best practices and lessons learnt
  • Ensure compliance with donor and PS Kenya operational policies and regulations
  • Ensure integration and linkages between the thematic areas of RMNCAH, FP, SRHR, child marriage, teenage pregnancy prevention, access to shelter, and GBV
  • Support integration of gender transformative and human right based approaches into Accelerate programme including integration between RMNCAH, SRHR, FP and GBV services


  • Successfully achieved the program deliverables
  • Effective management of the consortium members and all critical stakeholders
  • High quality project documents; annual work plans, budget narratives, MEL plans, learning agenda, reports.
  • Budget management as per the quarterly/bi-annual and annual plans / projections
  • Strong relationship with government, donors and other key stakeholders.


Academic Qualifications

  • Master’s Level of Education in related field: MPH, MSc Epidemiology/ Public Health, social sciences and
  • Demography, or other relevant discipline with 8 or more years of responsibility in managing Sexual
  • Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender Based Violence programme, including Family Planning, fivewhich are in management role.
  • Commitment to human rights

Professional Qualifications

  • Knowledge of current global and national Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights landscape, including Family
  • Planning programming, protocols, standards, best practices
  • Strong written and oral communication skills for high-level policy audiences


  • Program management skills, including leading strategy, planning, financial and risk management, monitoring, evaluation and learning.
  • Field knowledge and hands-on experience of working using human-rights based approaches (HRBA)
  • Experience in managing and implementing SRHR/GBV programs
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships with diverse partners, networks and allies.
  • Experience working with health workers on health systems strengthening and service delivery.
  • Relevant experience in data collection, analysis, and interpretation and/or in using data to identify and meet program monitoring and evaluation needs and contributing to SRHR/GBV policies


To apply, please visit the following URL:→

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